How to do the perfect manicure + pedicure at home!
First off guys, this is quite a lengthy process, but if you want your nails to look flawlessly professional then read on my friends!
*If you have time soak hands and feet in the bath before cutting nails*
You will need;
Nail varnish remover:
make sure you purchase a high quality nail polish remover, like Taylor & Taylor or/ nail varnish pads. - Don't bother with wipes, from personal experience they don't work well.

Hand/body lotion: I use after sun because i just came back off holiday a few weeks ago, and i still use after sun when my holiday is well and truly finito' to make my tan last longer.
Nail cutters and two nail files.
Yes, you heard me two nail files! One like this Ruby & Millie nail block, and the second will be the usual nail file.
Nail enamel corrector pen:
Touch up any nail polish mistakes.
I've had this product for years and it's so helpful.
By Avon nail experts range.

Nail hardener / base coat
this can make old/cheap nail varnish last longer, look top of the range and high in quality.
The nail polish of your choice
I'm using Vintage Blue by Avon.

*tip: if your in a hurry or/ always smudge your nails, dip painted nails into warm water for a minute or so, this should dry the nail polish smudge free*